May 06, 2010

K I L L S H O T !

Eight things I learned from the movie DATE NIGHT:
1- A shoebox is a great space to collect things in!

2-When a gun is pointed at you it's a bad thing... when it's pointed at you and turned on it's side it's a "kill shot".

3- Night boating is not big in "The Central Park", but is in fact big in Seattle.

4- Some men find Cyndi Lauper attractive... at anytime.

5- A fair expectation of an expensive crab dinner is that the crab will sing, dance, and introduce you to The Little Mermaid.

6- When showing real estate, the buyer is always right!
(already knew this one)

7- It takes teamwork to drive two cars at once.

8- Always stay for the out takes. Always. Especially when just about the entire movie's dialogue is add lib.

Final say:
Not a movie for youngsters, but hilarious! These two need to do more together! Great chemistry.

1 comment:

Shake said...

Man I have been wanting to see this show and now this only makes me want to see it more! The last picture with Marky Mark is priceless... LOL! Can't wait to see it

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