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There are two ways to hit a $19.99 all-you-can-shovel-down-your-throat buffet: with plate in hand, paw at every mystery meat, skin-on-top pudding, and jell-o concoction that for some reason is called a salad, and leave fat and gassy... or, stick to what you know; find the one, two, or three items that have some decent flavor weight (hot wings, scones, and that crazy bread pudding are always good choices), and hit them so hard that you sweat hot sauce for a week!
Well here at sportscavelive, we sweat hot sauce and have bread pudding bets! We hit Sports the same way; heavy on the sweat meat of the Utah Jazz, thick shake after thick shake of BYU & Utah sports, and a sweet dinner mint of NBA, NFL, and MLB to keep it all down.
So please, lounge down beside us in our family sized booth, suck down a thick shake, and grab a wing or two!

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