June 21, 2010

Recruits Calling The Ute!

The Utes are already seeing the affects of being a member of a BCS conference! The SL Trib reports that they Utes are receiving calls from recruits that had expressed to them that they did not want to come to Utah. Now that they are part of the Pac-10 though those recruits would now love to play in Utah!

I figure this or something similar to this would happen but I did not think it would be within a few weeks of the move. Here is a video with Dick Harmon talking about the Utes move.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea bring in no-terd dame! Cause that's viable. These guys have no idea who or where the mwc is other than defunct Utah, byu, tcu, and now Boise st.! The state of Utah is not the Midwest espn!
To get the mwc to 12 you pick from Fresno, Houston, smu, or Nevada... If might be able to sneak a Texas tech or one of the Arizona’s if you could seriously renegotiate the t.v. contract! That is the killer. The mtn. Network is the wighted vest of the mwc.

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