1- They are good. I mean really good!(this coming from a BYU fan)
2- The entire Ute football team are registered republicans and on the official Sarah Palin fan club.
Sarah Palin has stretched her pretty face and influence across the united states, stretching from Alaska clear across to D.C.. She took a dinosaur in McCain as close to the Presidential seat as he ever could be. She's a "Maverick".
Maverick? Where the Heck did she get that phrase? It's so weird. But this word is the link between Utah football and Palin. Intrigued? Good.
Definition of Maverick:
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision.
An unbranded range animal... does that sound anything like the way the Utes played last night. A young wild stallion or a bull that hasn't been branded yet? Yea, that sounds about right.
Like I said, the Utes are really good. A lot better than what I was expecting. But man did they look wild. They looked like a group of wild horses. Big & strong but WILD horses. Did I mention the looked wild? Well just in case you missed that, THEY LOOKED WILD!
- The blitzing D... Loose and wild... I loved it!
- The turnovers... Too jacked up to control the ball... Disappointing.
- The Run stop... Consistent, powerful, and GAME CHANGING!
- The MUSS (I hate saying that word, let alone typing it) has solidified itself as a true "12th man". Really loud, and wild. Good work MUSS!

Only time will tell buck-a-roo.
i can't believe you equated the utes to sarah palin even in satire. i think i vomited in my mouth just a little bit just. and though it wasn't pretty, a w is a w.
and just a side note, i always find it fascinating that the utes are typically more clean cut than the cougs. i'm just sayin'...
hey the Utes brought it on themselves by being such Mavericks. I mean they were really mavericking it up out there. Just a bunch of Mavericks playin ball. Yon know, Mavericks.
Maybe the Cougs' key words will be Change, Hope, and "yes we can"... and then they wont really do anything...
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