October 21, 2010

This Chick(Gasol) Is Toast!

“Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god you say YES!”

Do you? Well then yes! For I’ve seen the future and it is sweet. Sweet like the nectar juices that fall from a Beto’s burrito. The future I speak of my friends is not one of flying cars (“Where we’re going we don’t need wheels.”), but of golden trophies and hanging banners. I have seen a future where the Lakers slip up, Where the Jazz sneak a home win in an LA playoff series. Where a shadow of his former self Gasol, weeps as he must smell the armpit of failure as everything comes up roses for a man they call ”Big Al”.

I have seen this. I have! I know it will come to pass to. Why? Because I’m proven. I’ve already done this- seen into the future and brought back a sample fact. I did it the first time I submitted an article to become a Jazz writer (obviously I was not chosen). Below is an e-mail untouched (pardon the spelling) from 7-13-07 submitted to explain why I should be a Jazz writer (they were not named “The Jazzbots” yet). In it I made a statement concerning one Deron Williams.


Jazz basketball is as Utahan as “frysause”, “heck!”, or “family night”. It is a great equalizer in the community. You don’t get to pick whether you’re a fan of this instate NBA team or that one (i.e. California & Texas), you are either a fan or you’re not. As a Jazz fan I have come to realize a few things: John Stockton is a the greatest “true” point guard ever, The 1998 Finals were football games played on hardwood, and that Deron Williams will soon be known as the deadliest man in the NBA.

I love Jazz Basketball and would love to further explain why I believe it saved Utah sports, put SLC on the map, and has diversified what is now an incredible place to live if you love basketball.

My Name is Kelly, I am a Realtor working for Equity Real Estate specializing in the Davis County area, I’ve been married just over two years, my wife just gave birth to our first little girl named Pearl, and I Love Jazz basketball.

Is Deron Williams not known as one of the deadliest men in the NBA now? He will be even more so in a year from now.

Final thought: Take heart; all we need is one game in LA!

Jazz in 6! 2011

P.S. The post is in a Jazzbot contest! Go vote: http://www.utahjazz360.com/dignan/this-chickthe-lakers-is-toast/

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