May 17, 2010

Apples and Oranges... Boozers and Milsaps!

The upside and downside of the inevitable lose of Boozer and the hope filled added minutes of Milsap this coming season has a lot of Jazz fans picking sides; 1) Milsap will be as good if not better than Boozer given the extra minutes. 2) Milsap, although a great player will never be a 20/10 guy like Boozer.
It appears as though Kraigthorpe, from the Salt Lake Trib, is going to be a flag holder of the later.
He makes some good points, and discuses both sides (although it's easy to see his opinion) of the up and coming scenario this next season.
My take:
Milsap is not Booze. But I think that is a horrible comparison anyway(Milsap is a David Lee type player... look what he's doing right now as a starter!). They play two different styles, and have drastically different pluses and negatives. Just to name a few... Booze is a more consistent shooter, where Milsap lacks the jumper(although it has improved in percentages every season!). Misap has less "tells" though. That is a huge Booze weakness. For example if Booze puts the ball on the floor HE WILL NOT BE PASSING THAT POSSESSION! This is known around the league, and is why Booz gets smother a bit in the paint/post and has to go to his fade away jumper. Milsap has an advantage in that he really doesn't have any tells, and at the same time is developing a few signature finishes himself( he plays "under" big men arms as well as anyone in the league... example: did you watch the Lakers series?!?!).
I like to think of Milsap as an Ox pulling a wagon. It is a fact that if an Ox can pull 1000 pounds alone, he can pull 1500 pounds if he is teamed with another ox. So two oxen together can pull 3000 lbs! What does this lame pioneer fact have to do with basketball? Milsap needs another big that can pull his own weight! Not an outside 3point shooting center, and not just a body that gets in the way either. I'm not asking for Dwight Howard or anything, but just a defensive minded center that focuses on rebounding and getting all the easy put backs and will catch simple passes.
Once again, this is why this off season/draft is so important. D-will had it right. We need to add a few pieces to get past the Lakers (championship).


Ice Man said...

If we get rid of Booze and count on Millsap for that second threat which we will have to do we will not make the playoffs. We will finish 9 or 10 but thats it. Millsap is a rebounding powerhouse and gets a lot of scrappy points which are good, and he's a small 4 so we can push the ball with him in a run and gun style offense, but with Sloan running the flex offense until he dies we will need a good post player and Millsap just isn't that answer. If you watched the Laker series you saw what I saw and that was a confused, almost lost Millsap when he got the ball on the post. He needs to GREATLY IMPROVE his Post Game and Jump Shot for us to have a chance of the playoffs on LHM Court.

Unknown said...

Milsap is not a post up guy, and one of his greatest weaknesses is his lack of low post pick and roll, but his top of the key and elbow of the key (high C) is on! That is why he needs to play off a similar styled bigger (2 oxen... I love bringing Pioneer legends into the cave!)5. Everyone wants the super athletic 6-11 guy that dunks everything (D. Howard), But that is not needed in the Jazz system(I'll take it if it comes!). That is one benefits of the Sloan system. He can make big guys look better... if they can catch and rebound. I.E.; A. Carr, G. Foster, and G. Ostertag.
M. Eaton does not have the career he had outside of Utah.

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