May 13, 2010

Don't miss the L-train!

You may of noticed that this little cave of ours is pretty affluent in the wide world of sports. What you may not of noticed (yet) is that we are lacking in one area. One great game was about to go unnoticed because the current Cave knowledge in said sport was desperately bleak... I can't speak for Shake or Ice, but my baseball knowledge comes from the nostalgia of "Field of Dreams"; the humor of "The Sandlot"; and the awesomeness of "For the love of the Game".

I have a love for the Dodgers because that is "my family's" team (never go against the family, Fredo.), and a like for the A's because the sluggers in the early 90's were so exciting!

But that's it. I just shared all my Baseball resources in a few lines... pathetic I know. I'll work on it.

But for now I would like to introduce the SportsCave's newest specialty writer... L-Train (or as I like to think of it, El Train!)

L comes to us with a passionate interest in Baseball and an encyclopedia of baseball facts that has taken up valuable real estate in her little Italian head!

I just finished reading her first draft of a different kind of Holy War, and let me tell you...

it was wicked smart!

So please put your interweb hands together for L-Train!

1 comment:

Shake said...

Great addition in deed!!

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