June 01, 2010

Sign and Trade with Boozer?!

According to the and article in the Orlando Sentinel today the Magic could be interested in a sign in trade for Carlos Boozer. Saying that GM Otis Smith says he will not rule out a sign-and-trade for Boozer or Chris Bosh! I know I have been saying that I do not see the Jazz paying luxury tax for another season however this could be a chance to get better.

At first glance of the Magic roster leads me to believe the best fit would be Marcin Gortat and Brandon Bass. Next season Gortat is due to make $6,322,320 and Bass is set to make $4,000,000. Combined that has them making $10,322,320 for next season. The question is now can you sign Boozer for that much? Last season Boozer made $12,657,233 and is looking for a raise this offseason. The Jazz could back load the contract so that he is making around $10 million next year and then jumps to $13 or $14 million for the remaining years on the contract.

I am not sure if this move would improve the roster or not. More than likely it would make the team worse but it is better than getting nothing in return. Gortat would improve the Jazz's rebounding and post defense from the 5 position. Bass would give the Jazz a true back up at the 4 spot. Also this move would allow the Jazz to draft a project in this years upcoming draft. You never know what can happen.


Unknown said...

hmmmm... interesting. So with Gortat's extremely limited minutes behind D. Howard, we don't get to see much of him... but if he can pull down 4 boards, 1 block, and 4 points in a 13 min. night, does that mean he can do 10, 2, and 10 given 30min.? I know he goes against the 2's a lot in his role, but is it realistic? What do you think?
Side note: would you (you now are the Jazz G.M.!) completely give up the 9th pick for Brook Lopez? Would the Nets?

Shake said...

If I were the GM of the Jazz I would do that trade in a heartbeat!!! Wouldn't even think about it. He is a true 7 footer that is good on the offensive end.... Not a huge rebounder and blocker but still... You can't pass that up. As for Gortat I have not been able to watch a ton of him but I like what have seen. He has soft hands and is a great rebounder and shot blocker. With that being said I can see him getting 10 boards and 2 blocks a game; however, his offensive game looks no better than Fesz. So some night he would but I think 10 points a night would be best case. What would you do with the trade to the Nets?

Unknown said...

yea I'm the same way with Brook... the 10th pick in 08'.

Unknown said...


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