September 27, 2010

Will Fes ever live up to his huge body?

This post was originally posted in the middle of the summer off-season. Since then a lot has happened in the world of Fes. He has been on a hold-out type of contract negotiations roller coaster. He has shopped the NBA and has come up short of what he expected to see, money wise.
Now he has signed the offer sheet that will bring him back for one season with his one and only NBA team, the Utah Jazz. He will be competing for VALUABLE minutes with newly signed Veteran center Francisco Elson, Future All-Star and new Utah fan favorite Al Jefferson, and a remarkably slower Memo (mid season). 
It is no secret this writer is a huge Fes fan. I just can't see how such a mountain of a man can really hurt you that much if you put the right restrictions on him. 
A lot has been said to the fact that his upcoming season can be predetermined to a great degree by what shape he will come into training camp in.

Well guess what? He is in the best shape of his Pro career! He weighed in at 285lbs! He is trim and quick. I think this may be a break out season for the big man. He will be given the best shot he has ever had, being in a center chase that is not already decided. Now it's true that Al Jefferson and Paul Milsap will be the go to guys when the season starts. But other than that, the minutes are wide open.
When the Jazz went out and signed Elson, it was a bit of a slap to Fes... or should I say a spanking, being he is SO immature. If Fes shows that he can come in and be a defensive minded center with a few offensive weapons... he will win the job of 3rd big in the rotation.
Here is to a new Fes! Go get it big fella!

Standing a mountainous 7-1 and breaking scales at over 300 lbs., stands the Ukrainian giant NBA center Kyrylo Fesenko. Please take a minute and wrap your head around the size of this man. he's tall and long, but he isn't just tall and long. He's heavy and strong, but he isn't just heavy and strong. He is a beast. The best way I have ever heard him described is that he is just a WAY over sized human. Get it?

OK we can move on.

Fez is in the middle of contract negotiations with the Jazz to bring him back to play next year and hopefully a few more after. According to some tweets fron @tribjazz, negotiations might not be going real good. Take that for what it's worth. But these negotiations are as important, in my opinion, as just about anything else that has happened this off season save "Big Al". The reason? Fes could be the piece that puts us over the top... a championship? Maybe. (Tast the BOLD flava!) Now I said COULD. Could is a pretty strong word... example: I could start in the NBA... If I was 7 ft. and crazy athletic. The point is wait for the if before you jump down my throat OK? well her it is, the big "if". He "could" put us over the top "IF" he could go 10 & 10 in 30+ minutes a night and everyone else lives up to the hype (Al, Bell, D-will, etc.). It's a big if, but is it really that big? Is it really that big of a stretch? I don't think so. He has shown flashes of being a descent center. In fact in games where he played 13min. or more, his average is MUCH better. he averaged 19 min. 5 rebounds, 6 points... that equates to a 30min average of 7.8 rebounds, & 9.5 points! That is one strong off season away from surpassing 10 & 10! Now how big does that "IF" look?! To me it doesn't look so big.
This could be the first season where Fes is actually asked to truly contribute. Getting Serious minutes at the 5. I for one think he is the guy. He plays with a lot of energy and is almost ALWAYS the biggest/strongest guy on the court night in and night out. When and "IF" (there it is again) he realizes that, it will add 2 rebounds and 3 points to his average.
O.K., go ahead and light me on fire now. I've said my piece, now I will take it on the chin I'm sure.


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